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Basic Income to Get Involved

October 10, 2024

On September 20, 2024, so-called Basic Income Regular’s Tables were held around the world. People from our UBI4ALL community organized such discussions in 63 locations on all continents on earth. The organizers of the 17th Basic Income Week called for these gatherings under the motto: "Basic Income: A Foundation for a Fair and Just Society."

We received enthusiastic feedback from countries such as Italy, Pakistan, Canada, Kenya, and many others. While some brought together dozens of listeners and participants, for others it was the first time they had discussed UBI in small or large groups. In any case, everyone filled our lottery pot with this campaign, as a donor threw in 100 euros for every UBI get-together.

Once again, nearly 9,600 euros were collected, and we were able to announce the next raffle for a year’s Basic Income of 800 euros per month to all those registered with UBI4ALL.

This campaign will certainly happen again next year during Basic Income Week in September 2025. Our goal is to reach 100 Regulars' Tables. Then it's time to join in again, discuss and generate UBI.

Many thanks to all the organizers and participants of this year's campaign! You made a decisive contribution to making Basic Income a tangible experience once again.

Pictures and feedback on Facebook.

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