Meet the Team

The UBI4ALL Team is from several countries. In the course of starting the European Citizens' Initiative we asked ourselves how Unconditional Basic Income touches other people in other countries. So we set up the UBI4ALL raffle in order to check out the effects of Basic Income throughout the world.

Thandera Khoza, South Africa

National Representative

Superpowers: can handle both text and numbers – at the same time.

Key Belief in Basic Income: I believe that an UBI would allow people to focus on creative pursuits and personal growth, rather than just survival.

Favorite Topic with Basic Income: I am interested in exploring how a UBI could lead to the self-abolition of socially pointless business models, making way for more meaningful and sustainable industries.

Robin Ketelaars, Netherlands


Superpowers: don't panic, be inventive, trust.

Key belief in Basic Income: freedom to live your life without bullshit jobs.

Favorite topic with Basic Income: tax resources – not people.

Helwig Fenner, Germany

Initiator & Project Manager

Superpowers: creative check-in questions, draught horse quality, can handle both text and numbers – at the same time!

Key belief in Basic Income: If you don't have to worry about tomorrow, then you can put your energies into wonderful things (instead of securing your existence). Imagine if we were all like that!

Favorite topic with Basic Income: the self-abolition of socially pointless business models.

Ibrahim Bondi, Kenya

National Representative

Superpowers: connecting people and ideas.

Key belief in Basic Income: UBI empowers individuals to focus on growth, innovation, and well-being instead of mere survival. With financial security, they unlock their full potential to contribute positively to society.

Favorite topic with Basic Income: the transformative power of UBI in fostering entrepreneurship, social mobility, and inclusive economic development.

J. W. Vahle, Germany

Webdesign & Webdevelopement

Superpowers: curious and open-minded.

Key belief in Basic Income: Wealth is unfairly distributed. UBI can help to mitigate the problem by providing a safety net for individuals who are struggling financially.

Favorite topic with Basic Income: faster, higher, further endangers our livelihoods, as evidenced by climate change and destruction such as plastic in our foodchain.

Roswitha Minardi, Austria

Winners’ Relation & Social Media

Superpowers: appreciative communication, constant curiosity about new things, mercilessly optimistic.

Key belief in Basic Income: life with unconditional basic income is like riding your bike with tailwind.

Favorite topic with Basic Income: personal and economic independence, especially for women.

Usama Nasir, Pakistan

National Representative

Superpowers: motivating others, bringing positive energy, turning challenges into opportunities.

Key belief in Basic Income: Basic income can break the cycle of struggle in underdeveloped areas, allowing everyone to live with dignity and pursue their dreams.

Favorite topic with Basic Income: reimagining the future of work, where people have the freedom to choose jobs that align with their values, rather than simply for survival.

Ana Catarina Neves, Portugal

Newsletter & Social Media

Superpowers: awkward jokes that surprisingly make people comfortable; pretending to sing; talking with strangers.

Key belief in Basic Income: if everyone was given a fair shot in life, we would be more connected with everyone else around us, and we would work less, and enjoy life more!

Favorite topic with Basic Income: the promise to end paid employment!

Sandra Vahle, Germany

Managing Director & Marketing

Superpowers: overcoming defeat with humour.

Key belief in Basic Income: Human dignity must also be upheld in reality, not just on paper in the Basic Law. Basic income should be as self-evident for all of us as health insurance.

Favorite topic with Basic Income: Will there be less crime? Will there still be prostitution?

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